Prof. Bryan Caplan

Econ 849


HW #2 (please type; answer any TWO essay questions and ALL of the other questions)


4.  Using the two-equation S&D system from the notes, prove/show that Q falls by [bd/b+d]t whether buyers or sellers legally pay the tax.


With zero tax, we have:


S: Q=a+bP

D: Q=c-dP






Case 1: "Sellers Pay"

S: Q=a+b(P-t)

D: Q=c-dP


So:  P=[-a+c+bt]/[b+d]


Substituting in: Q=

Simplifying:  Q=


Compared to no taxes, therefore, Q falls by bd/[b+d]t.


Case 2: "Buyers Pay"


S: Q=a+bP

D: Q=c-d(P+t)


So:  P=[-a+c-dt]/[b+d]


Substituting in: Q=


Simplifying:  Q=


So again, compared to no taxes, Q falls by bd/[b+d]t.


5.  Using the two-equation S&D system from the notes, prove/show that a profit-maximizing monopolist in a market without taxes produces a larger quantity than a competitive market under a tax-revenue-maximizing government.  To simplify the problem, assume that a=0. 


Hint:  The monopoly maximizes PQ(P)-TC, with TC=Q2/2b.  The government just maximizes tQ(t).


The Monopolist

The demand curve is given by: Q=c-dP, so the monopolist maximizes:








Differentiating wrt P:




So P=


So Q=c-d






The Tax-Maximizing Government


From the previous problem, we know that Q=.  Setting a=0:





Differentiating wrt t:





t=, so Q==bc/2[b+d]<bc/[2b+d].  QED.


6.  Give examples of:


a.  Single-peaked preferences


Preferences over drug-legalization.  People who want to ban, say, alcohol, rarely want to legalize anything.  Most people prefer the status quo.  Some people want to legalize marijuana, and these people rarely want to ban anything currently legal.  Others want to legalize everything currently illegal, and they are even less likely to want to ban anything currently legal.


b.  Non-single-peaked transitive preferences


Preferences over national defense.  A person might ideally want to have a small military and an isolationist party, but conditional on having interventionist policies, prefers a strong military.  Their last choice would be an intermediate-sized military that enters foreign adventures it is unable to win.  There is nothing intransitive about these preferences - there are clear 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices.


c.  Intransitive preferences


Preferences over careers.  A person working as a professor might decide it would be better to work in industry; working in industry, might decide it would be better to work in government; working in government, decide it would be better to work as a professor.


7.  Imagine a simple median voter situation with the following twist: party A is more popular than party B, such that every voter is indifferent between their shared ideal point p* provided by party B and a deviation of e from their ideal point provided by party A.  Specifically:


U(A)=U(B) iff


Assume further that if voters are indifferent, they vote for party A. 


Then intuitively answer the following questions: (no math needed)


a.  If both parties maximize their votes, what platforms do they offer and who wins?


, and party A definitely wins, getting 100% of the vote.  When both parties offer the same ideal platform, but one is more popular in everyone's eyes, the more popular party wins all the votes.


b.  If party A has policy preferences (it wants to make p as large as possible conditional on winning), what platforms are offered and who wins?


Party A would set pA>p*.  It would stop once it drove its share of the votes down to 50%+1.  Party B's vote-maximizing (but still losing) strategy would be to offer p*.  The larger the value of e, the more party A could safely deviate.


c.  How would uncertainty about the position of the median voter affect the results?


Party A would have to deviate from p* by less because driving its vote share down to 50%+1 leaves no margin for error.  So it would have to target a greater vote share, and even then, party B would occasionally get lucky and win.