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GENERAL: I am the very model of a post-economics-general, I've information microeconomical and macrotheoretical, I know the top departments, and I quote the Nobel laureates From Samuelson to Lucas, and those three game theorists; I'm very well acquainted with matters macroeconomical, I understand the models, both New Keynesian and Classical. Proofs of general equilibrium seriously interest me, I know many fascinating facts about the core of an economy. ALL: He knows many fascinating facts, etc. GENERAL: With my permanent consumption and my expectations rational; I maximize utility on matters academical, familial, and financial: In short, in matters microeconomical and macrotheoretical, I am the very model of a post-economics-general. ALL: In short, in matters microeconomical and macrotheoretical, He is the very model of a post-economics-general. GENERAL: I know economic history, and lots of fancy data sets; I do econometrics, and make sure that nothing is endogenous. I'm fond of Gary Becker's work on crime and punishment, Akerlof and Stiglitz on signals, sorting, and informment. I can tell you many details about monetary aggregates, RBC is clear to me because I know my compact sets. Then I can re-derive a model if you'll read me the conclusion, And give me ten or twenty minutes of theoretical seclusion. ALL: And give him ten or twenty minutes, etc. GENERAL: Then I can write a paper on overlapping generations, And tell you ev'ry detail of investment in the Great Depression. In short, in matters microeconomical and macrotheoretical, I am the very model of a post-economics-general. ALL: In short, in matters microeconomical and macrotheoretical, He is the very model of a post-economics-general. GENERAL: In fact, when I know what is meant by "find a job" and "New Orleans", When I can tell at sight depression from prosperity, When such affairs as interviews and job talks I'm more wary at, And when I know precisely what is meant by "post-graduate", When I have learnt what progress has been made throughout the century, When I know more of markets than a novice at Monopoly- In short, when I've a smattering of common sense, You'll say a better post-economics-general has never passed his tests. ALL: You'll say a better post-economics-general, etc. GENERAL: For my economics knowledge, though I'm scholarly and savvy, Focuses on theories of the last years of of the century; But still, in matters microeconomical and macrotheoretical, I am the very model of a post-economics-general. ALL: But still, in matters microeconomical and macrotheoretical, I am the very model of a post-economics-general.