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Other faculty (the following have served on field exam committee and/or Smithian dissertation committees): Donald Boudreaux, Russell Roberts (now departed from GMU), Lawrence White, Peter Boettke, Garett Jones, David Levy, Tyler Cowen; Nelson Lund (Law); Roberta Herzberg (Mercatus); Thomas Merrill (American University). Other key faculty friends of the program: Daniel Houser (Chair of Econ), Mark Koyama (Econ), Yong Yoon (Econ). Four regular activities: 1. The two-course sequence & field exam in Smithian Political Economy (SPE).
2. A Readings course for advanced Smith students, the one for Fall 2019 was on Edmund Burke. 3. The Adam Smith Reading Group, 5 meetings per semester. 4. The Invisible Hand seminar (Word doc), 5 Saturday meetings per semester, hosted by Klein. Many of these kindly co-sponsored by IHS. (Alternative GMU site listing of all past events) Smith, Hume, Liberalism, and Esotericism project underway, with papers to flow into JEBO. Photo from the conference Nov 2018, includes Professors Thomas Merrill, Dennis Rasmussen, Peter McNamara, Brandon Turner, Nelson Lund, Arthur Melzer, Jerry Weinberger: Photo from an April 2015 dinner event with Smith students and several faculty: Below, photo from Aug 2016 pizza and beer:
GMU PhDs supervised by Prof. Klein: Michael J. Clark, The Virtuous Discourse of Adam Smith: The Political Economist’s Measured Words on Public Policy (2010) Brandon Lucas, The Influence of Adam Smith: The Hayekian Narrative, Honest Profit, and the Invisible Hand (2010) Christopher S. Martin, Sympathy, Poverty, and Justice: Three Essays on the History of Economics with an Emphasis on Adam Smith (2012) Mark J. Bonica, Adam Smith on Liberty and Reputation: Is Reputation Property? Are Defamation Laws Coercive? (2013) Anthony J. Quain, Positional Externalities as an Argument for Tax Progressivity: A Critical Analysis (2013) Paul D. Mueller, Learning from Adam Smith: Propriety in Individual Choice, Moral Judgment, and Politics (2015) Jason Briggeman, Searching for Justification of the Policy of Pre-Market Approval of Pharmaceuticals (2015) John A. Robinson, Property and Exclusivity: Ownership in the Scottish Enlightenment, Adam Smith, and English Literature (2016) Scott Drylie, Interpreting Adam Smith's Views on Education of the Poor in the Age of Benevolence (2016) Michael Smith, Simple Protections from the Abuse of Market Power: The Complicated Reality (2017) Jonathon Henry Diesel, The Jural Relationships and a Case For Esotericism: Three Essays on Adam Smith (2017) Erik W. Matson, Hume and Smith on Reason, Political Economy, and the Spirit of Philosophy (2017) Eric J. Hammer, Analyzing the Moral Effects of the Welfare State through the lens of Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments (2018) Dylan DelliSanti, Three Essays on Adam Smith and the 'Corruption Debate' (2019)
Smith group photos from 21 Nov 2016 SEA meeting, Wash.DC: Standing: Dylan DelliSanti, Erik Matson, Eric Hammer, John Robinson, Scott Drylie, Jason Briggeman. Seated: Paul Mueller, Jon Diesel, Dan Klein, Colin Doran Below: Standing: John Robinson, Pavel Kuchar, Harrison Searles, Niclas Berggren, Dylan DelliSanti. Seated: Jon Diesel, Dan Klein, Scott Drylie
Below: Smith Program poster-session party July 2017