J. M. Kaplan Workshop in Political Economy
-Spring 1999-

The workshop will meet in Enterprise #318 on Fridays from 2:00 to 3:30 and will be followed by a reception. Papers for the workshop will be available at Professor Boettke's office Enterprise #324 a week ahead of the scheduled talk. Participants are expected to read the paper in advance.
January 29  Robert Nelson, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland "Economics as Religion: The Theology of Samuelson's Economics, the Chicago School, and Other Religious Elements in Modern Economics."
February 5  NO WORKSHOP 
February 12 Robert Axtell, Center for Economic and Social Dynamics, Brookings Institution "The Emergence of Firms in a Population of Agents."
February 19 NO WORKSHOP
February 25*  
Note special day -- Thursday -- and time 
Israel Kirzner, Department of Economics, New York University "Hedgehog or Fox: Hayek and the Idea of Plan-coordination."
March 5 Ross Emmett, Department of Economics, Augustana University College  
"Frank Knight, Max Weber, Chicago Economics and Institutionalism."
March 12 Steven Horwitz, Department of Economics, St. Lawrence University  "'Of Human Action but not Human Design'":  
Liberalism in the Tradition of the Scottish Enlightenment."  
March 26 Charles Rowley, Department of Economics, George Mason University "Political Culture and Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa."
April 2 J. Barkley Rosser, Department of Economics, James Madison University "On the Complexities of Complex Economic Dynamics."
April 9 Duncan Foley, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research "Hyman Minsky and the Methodological Dilemmas of Modern Economics."
April 16  Steven Kan, Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University "Separation of War Powers: A Corporate Governance Perspective."
April 23 Steve Knack, School of Public Policy, American University "Women and Corruption."
April 30 Peter Klein, Department of Economics, University of Georgia "Is Entrepreneurial Error Predictable?  Evidence from Corporate Divestitures"
May 7 Jeffrey Friedman, Department of Social Sciences, Harvard University "Is Freedom Intrinsically Valuable?"