Econ 345
Fall, 1998
Part I: Math
Wallace and Silver, Econometrics – do exercises: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Freedman and Lane, Mathematical Methods in Statistics: p.58-59, #1, #3, #5
Also answer the following questions, and explain your answer:
- True or False?: When you regress a dependent variable (Y) on a constant and an independent variable (X), another way to write the formula for b is .
- Prove: If b=0, then . Show that in this case, R2=0.
- Your regression errors come out to the following: {4, 3, 6, 1, -1, -3, -6, 2, -6}. You used one independent variable in the regression.
- What is N?
- What is (k+1)?
- Calculate s
- What is wrong with the following set of errors: {4, 3, 6, 0, -1, -3, -6, 2, -6}?
Part II: Computing
- Download the Eviews workfile hw2.bin; it contains data for for M2 (a measure of money supply), nominal GDP, and real GDP, as well as data on inflation and unemployment.
- Create a Group containing all five series, and get their descriptive statistics using both Common Sample and Individual Samples (print both). What causes the discrepancy between the two sampling methods?
- Using the Equation function, try the following regressions. Make sure you include a constant.
- real GDP on nominal GDP
- nominal GDP on M2
- unemployment on inflation
Comment on each of your results and print them. Is the coefficient positive or negative? Significant at the 5% level or not? What are your R2's?