Econ 370
HW#3 (please type; diagrams may be drawn by hand)
the private and social benefits of each of the following (2-3 sentences
each).� If you think the private and
social benefits are approximately equal, explain why.
A. You go to a movie.
B. You mow your lawn (think
C. You take the Metro instead of
driving during rush hour.
D. You learn how to program computers.
E. You invent a cure for AIDS.
II. Contrast the private and social costs
of each of the following (2-3 sentences each).�
If you think the private and social costs are approximately equal,
explain why.
A. You start smoking marijuana.
B. You mow your lawn (think noise).
C. You drive late at night instead of
taking the Metro.
D. You put up a web page attacking
organized religion.
E. You rob a bank.
III. Assume that national defense is a
public good in the strong sense - an unsubsidized market produces NO defense
even though the social benefits of it are high.�
Carefully graph this market, showing the market quantity Qm and the efficient quantity Qe.� Shade the region of deadweight losses, and
intuitively explain why these deadweight losses are so large. (1-2 sentences)
IV. "Immigrants impose
externalities on American workers by reducing wages."� Carefully explain why this claim mis-uses the
notion of externalities.� (3-4 sentences)
[Use your calculator for this one!] In 1950, suppose that
Suppose there
is a constant marginal cost of producing CDs of $2.