Economics 370 Midterm
Prof. Bryan Caplan
Spring, 2004
Part 1: True,
False, and Explain
(10 points each - 2
for the right answer, and 8 for the explanation)
State whether each of the following six propositions is true or false. In 2-3 sentences, explain why. Use diagrams if helpful.
1. In any given year, most firms report that they earned a profit.
T, F, and Explain:
This is evidence for the
widespread existence of monopoly through superior efficiency.
FALSE. What firms report are accounting profits, not economic profits. Competition only tends to eliminate the
latter, not the former. If you do not
subtract out the normal market rate of return, you are going to see widespread
profits that are not really there.
2. David Friedman ("State Monopoly for Fun
and Profit") discusses voluntary efforts to raise the price of crude oil
in the 19th century.
T, F, and Explain: Two of the problems the oil cartel faced were cheating and hold-outs.
TRUE. Friedman quotes Rockefeller to exactly this
effect on p.40. Cheating was rampant:
"the temptation was very great to get a little more oil than they had
promised." And hold-outs were also
a problem: "any who were not in this association were undertaking to
produce all they possibly could."
3. T, F, and Explain: Demsetz's
study of the concentration-profits relationships predicts that natural
monopolies will not have unusually high profits.
FALSE. A natural monopoly by definition has 100%
concentration and 100% market share. Demsetz
finds that concentration does not raise profits but market share does. So while Demsetz would not predict extra
profits as a result of the high concentration, he definitely would predict
extra profits for natural monopolies on account of their high market share.
4. Two firms with
different costs competitively bid for a monopoly over the sale of alcohol in
T, F, and Explain:
This will reduce both productive and allocative efficiency compared
to free competition.
FALSE. Since there is competitive bidding, the firm
with lower costs will out-bid the firm with higher costs, implying no
productive efficiency. There will still
however be allocative inefficiency since the lower-cost firm will raise price
above MC to take advantage of its privileged position.
One clever alternate answer
observed that the identity of the most productively efficient firm would change
over time, so even though there would be no productive inefficiency initially,
it would eventually kick in.
5. Caplan argues that population growth has an important positive externality: it increases R&D.
T, F, and Explain:
This effect on efficiency is at
least partially off-set by the negative externality that immigrants create by
reducing native workers' wages.
FALSE. When native workers' wages fall, their losses
are equally and by definition balanced out by the gains to employers and
consumers. If a worker's wage falls by
$1, there much be someone who is $1 richer as a result. This is known as a "pecuniary
6. T, F, and Explain: Copyrights and patents make it easier to price discriminate, further increasing the incentive to do R&D.
TRUE. Competition makes it harder to price
discriminate, because other firms will steal away the customers you're
overcharging. With a legal monopoly like
a patent, you do not have to worry about this effect. Therefore you can price discriminate more
readily, allowing a patent-holder to earn extra profits. This in turn encourages R&D. One good example: Drug companies often price
discriminate by charging lower prices in poor countries.
Part 2: Short
(20 points each)
In 4-6 sentences, answer both of the following questions.
1. In class, Caplan argued that there are "infra-marginal externalities" of food production. Briefly explain what he means. Using a supply-and-demand diagram, indicate the effect of a large reduction in the supply of food. In plain English, what does the diagram show?
externalities" are externalities that are not relevant at the equilibrium price. In the case of food, if production is very
low, there are large external benefits, because starving people are likely to
riot and rob. Virtually no one however
is going to riot in the modern
2. "
What is "the churn"? How do Cox and Alm connect it to rising living standards?
"The churn" is a
metaphor for the perpetual turbulence in the labor market – the Darwinian
struggle of firms to survive in the face of constant economic change. People are always figuring out new ways to produce,
new things to produce, and responding to changing opportunities. This leads to a lot of job destruction, but
as Cox and Alm explain, it simultaneously leads not only to job creation but
more importantly to constantly rising productivity and consumer choice. Competition leads weaker firms to go bankrupt
and lets stronger firms expand, to the long run benefit of almost
everyone. Imagine what the world would
look like if government had tried to save the horse-and-buggy industry back in