HW#4 (Please TYPE all answers).
Questions 1 and 2, pp.217-218.
1. Suppose that the "status quo" level
of spending is not $0, but $1 M. The
approval of a lower house (L) and an upper house (H) is required to pass new
legislation. In 2-3 sentences, explain
why this could be diagramed in the following way:
$0 $L1M $L $U1M $U $1M
2. How should you diagram the Pareto set
and the bargain set on the above diagram?
3. Suppose there were a Supreme Court that
wanted to make spending as high as possible.
What is the highest level of spending on the above diagram they could
impose by "creative reinterpretation"?
4. Name a specific example of an unpopular
policy that exists because of special interest activity. How has this special interest managed to get
its way? (2-3 sentences)
5. Give an example of (a) a policy with
concentrated benefits and diffuse costs; (b) a policy with concentrated costs
and diffuse benefits. Explain. (2-3
6. Suppose the government gives one firm the
sole right to make cars. This firm is
able to charge a monopoly price, earning $10 billion in monopoly profits per
year. Carefully explain why - due to
rent-seeking - even the monopoly producer of cars may be no better off as a
result of government intervention in the car industry. (3-4 sentences)
7. Which has better (or less bad) effects on
political competition: spending limits or term limits? Explain your answer using economic arguments.
(3-4 sentences)
8. List three services the federal government
provides and three services provided by the state of Virginia. How many are public goods at all? Which are closer to being pure public
goods, and which are closer to being local public goods? Does Virginia actually focus more on local
public goods than the federal government does?
(2-3 sentences)
9. Milton Friedman famously proposed a
"voucher" system to replace public education. According to the Tiebout model of local
government behavior, would there be significant benefits of this program? How would this change if Caplan's critique of
the Tiebout model (and non-profit competition generally) is correct? (3-4
10. Using economic arguments, comment on the
following: "Due to the 'race to the bottom,' it is more efficient for the
federal government, rather than the states, to control welfare policy."
(3-4 sentences)