Economics 849 Final
Prof. Bryan Caplan
Fall, 2003
· You have 2 hours, 45 minutes to complete this exam.
· Write all answers directly on the exam.
· You may use any books, notes, or other materials that you wish, but avoid spending too much time on any one question.
· Partial credit may be awarded on all questions.
· The maximum possible number of points is 200.
· You should have 7 pages, counting this one, PLUS one page with a regression.
Part 1: True,
False, and Explain
(10 points each - 2
for the right answer, and 8 for the explanation)
State whether each of the following six propositions is true
or false. In 2-3 sentences (and
clearly-labeled diagrams,
when helpful), explain why.
1. T, F, and
Explain: Productively inefficient firms have a weaker incentive to lobby for
2. Optimal tax theory does not take account of individual's
ability to pay.
T, F, and Explain:
Coincidentally, however, optimal
tax theory advises against taxing "necessities" - on which the poor
spend an especially large fraction of their income.
3. T, F, and Explain:
In a simple median voter
framework, divergence between mean and median preferences can lead to platform
4. Overall, men and older people score higher on tests of political knowledge.
T, F, and Explain: As you would expect, Delli Carpini and Keeter find that the male-female knowledge gap is smallest on gender issues, and the age gap is smallest on knowledge of current events.
T, F, and Explain:
This finding moderately bolsters
Wittman's case for democratic efficiency.
6. Caplan argues that at least after adjusting for self-serving and ideological bias, belief gaps between economists and the public should be interpreted as irrationality on the part of the public.
T, F, and Explain:
One implication is that upwardly mobile people are more rational than
the rest of the population.
Part 2: Short
(20 points each)
In half a page each, answer all of the following questions.
1. Largely due to
technological change, women's wages have risen relative to men's since
1900. Keeping in mind the "market
for marriage," analyze the ultimate incidence of this change for men.
2. Does rational irrationality provide an extra
argument in favor of federalism? Why or
why not?
3 "Much of the (limited) evidence in
favor of the SIVH can be reinterpreted as group-interested voting." Discuss this statement, using an empirical
example from either Peltzman or Sears and Funk.
4. Members of third parties often accuse Democrats and Republicans of "collusion" against the public. Discuss TWO forms of evidence believers in collusion would advance to prove their case. How would Wittman respond to this evidence?
5. The
SAEE asks respondents if they think that "Too many people are on welfare" is "a major reason the economy
is not doing better than it is, a minor reason, or not a reason at all."
1="About the same"; 2="Higher"
The next page shows a regression of responses to this question on some respondent
characteristics. Carefully explain the
ways in which the results are empirically typical of public opinion in general
and beliefs about economics in particular.
Are there any exceptions to the usual rules? If so, what are they? What is your best guess
for why they appear in this regression?
6. Does Kuran and Sunstein's theory of
availability cascades shed any new light on Zaller's work on the mainstream and
polarization effect? Explain, using an
example from Zaller.
7. Use Brennan and Lomasky to undermine my
defense of free-market anarchism.