Separation of Health and State Debate:
David Balan’s Opening Statement
Let me start with a bit of throat clearing. First (and this should go without
saying, but I'll say it anyway), this is not a "debate" in the sense
of two people using rhetorical tricks to try to score points off of each other.
Bryan and I disagree on a lot (that's why we're "debating"), but the
goal here is to explore our disagreements and to see how much truth we can
uncover in the process. Don't be shocked if you hear us agreeing on something,
or if one of us concedes a point to the other. In fact, I think part of what
will make this interesting will be to think about how it is that we have quite
a lot in common (both in terms of actual propositions that we would both support
and in terms of our intellectual styles), and yet we reach very different
conclusions. Second, this debate is not about the merits of any specific health
care plan or system. While I am still stumbling around in a joyous delirium
over the
With that out of the way, let’s get started. The proposition that is being
debated is "Significant governmental involvement in health care is both
economically sensible and morally just." The “economically sensible” part
and the “morally just” part are inter-related, but at the cost of a bit of
over-simplification I’ll treat them separately, starting with the "morally
just" part.
Suppose that everyone in society had exactly the same health status, and
everyone needed a certain amount of health care to avoid debilitating illness
or death. Also suppose that health care is sufficiently expensive that the
poorer people in society cannot afford it, by some reasonable meaning of the
word "afford," through not-too-much fault of their own. (I’ll ignore
the question of how fault is determined and just talk somewhat vaguely about
the “deserving” poor, however you think that should be defined). What should
happen? Should the government intervene and require the rich to subsidize
health care for the deserving poor? Your answer to that question should be the
same as your answer to the question of what should happen with regard to any
other essential thing that deserving poor people cannot afford. That answer
will depend on many factors, including how expensive health care is and how
beneficial it is; how concerned you are that public provision, and the taxes
required to pay for it, will damage work incentives; how averse you are to governmental
action in general; and many other factors. But let's assume for argument's sake
that there are some circumstances under which, all things considered, you would
favor some significant governmental redistribution towards the deserving poor.
(I'll talk a bit below about where it leaves us if you're not prepared to
assume this.)
How do things change when you introduce the fact that not everyone has the same
health status, and some people need much more health care than others? This
brings us into the world of risk and hence the world of insurance. We routinely
buy insurance against major losses such as our houses burning down because
we're better off paying a small insurance premium in all states of the world
than we are paying nothing when our house doesn't burn down but losing
everything when it does. The same idea holds for insurance against
catastrophically bad health outcomes. Each of us has some probability of
getting seriously sick and needing health care that is much more expensive than
we can afford. It makes sense to buy insurance against that eventuality just
like it makes sense to buy insurance against our houses burning down. The
problem is that you can't buy health insurance when you're already sick, just
like you can't buy fire insurance when your house is already burning. So when
should you buy health insurance? Well, presumably you should buy it before you
get sick, just like you should buy fire insurance before your house catches
fire. The problem is that all houses start out not burning, whereas some people
start out sick or with a propensity to become sick. A for-profit insurance
company will not insure an already-sick person for the same reason that a
for-profit insurance company will not insure a house that is already on fire.
Absent government intervention, there is simply no way that you can insure
yourself against being born sick, or of becoming sick early enough in life that
you cannot have been reasonably expected to have bought insurance against
becoming sick (here I’m leaving aside the very real possibility that you buy
insurance but the insurer finds a way not to pay if you become sick). This
brings us right back to the scenario we described above where everyone's health
status is the same. In that world, the right thing to do depends on your
attitude about what to do when people are born poor. But being born sick is
just another version of being born poor: it means that you have expensive needs
that you cannot afford to satisfy on your own. (By the way, do you know where I
got this point from? Bryan Caplan!) If you thought it was appropriate to insure
against the one, you should be in favor of insuring against the other.
There's a great deal more that could be said here, but that's the essence of my
moral case for governmental involvement in health care. For those (important)
health expenses that are reasonably predictable, there should be a public
guarantee of provision for the poor just like there should be for a public
guarantee of a minimum standard of food or shelter. For those health expenses
that are not predictable, there should be universal insurance because anyone
who ends up getting sick is like someone who was retroactively born poor, and
it's impossible to buy insurance against that, just like it's impossible to buy
insurance against actually being born poor.
But what if you don't, as a matter of principle, buy the idea that it's ever
appropriate for the government to use its coercive power to compel the rich to
support the poor? Some take that position on general libertarian grounds, which
I disagree with but which are beyond the scope of this debate. But there is
another objection to the idea of governmental support for the poor that I do
want to address here, because I think it has considerable merit. People who are
born poor in rich countries like the
Now let's turn from the “morally justified” part to the "economically
sensible" part. I have argued that there is moral merit in providing for
the health needs of the deserving poor. But that only works if such provision
would confer some reasonable return on investment: there is presumably no moral
obligation for a society to bankrupt itself in order to provide expensive care
that does the poor almost no good. So is health care for the poor a reasonably
good bargain? I think that it is. While there is a distressingly large amount
of evidence that much of modern health care, particularly in the U.S., has
little or no health benefit (the policy implications of this fact are a whole
‘nother story), I don't think there is much doubt that certain kinds of health
care are highly valuable, and that having access to them significantly improves
the length and quality of one’s life. Is it too expensive? Well, all of the
wealthy countries of the world, and some less wealthy countries, have been able
to provide it at what appears to be tolerable cost, in that it is not
bankrupting their societies (those same societies have also, to a greater or
lesser degree, ameliorated other kinds of poverty, also at no overwhelming
social cost). This does not prove that it’s a good bargain, but it at least
proves that it’s not a catastrophically bad one. And even if you think that
it’s a pretty bad one, you could make governmental provision of health care
less generous (say by means-testing benefits) without violating any of the
principles of my argument.
to now the discussion has centered on the moral obligation to provide health
care for the poor, and the “economically sensible” considerations were limited
to whether this moral obligation can be satisfied at tolerable economic cost.
But there are a bunch of other, more conventionally “economic” reasons for
government involvement in health care, of which I’ll list just a few. First,
healthy people are more productive. Second, there are significant externalities
and spillovers related to health: we're all better off when our fellow citizens
are healthier. Third, there is a strong case for governmental involvement in
medical research and development. Private firms only have an incentive to do
research that will lead to patentable innovations; they have no incentive to
test whether an apple a day really does keep the doctor away. Fourth, there is
a case for governmental regulation to ensure that health care is safe and
effective (no selling poisonous snake oil), and that health insurers actually
pay up when you get sick. You could argue that the market will take care of
this by itself through reputation effects, but look around!! Fifth, there are
some instances where the government is simply more trustworthy than private
firms, and that trust allows economically efficient things to happen that
otherwise wouldn’t happen. For example, it seems pretty clear that in the
coming years people (not just poor people) are going to need to be induced to
limit the health services that they consume; we just can’t provide everything
to everybody all the time. The problem is, it’s hard to get people to agree to
limits when the ones doing the limiting are unregulated private insurers who
have an incentive to cut whatever care they can get away with cutting, rather
than cutting care that is of low value. But if it is the government doing the
limiting (either directly or through regulation of private insurance), and this
limiting is being done through a rational process that people trust, then it has
a chance of happening. I could go on.
bottom line is this. Guaranteeing health care for the deserving poor and
guaranteeing catastrophic health insurance for everyone is morally required
provided that health care provides significant benefits and can be provided at
a tolerable social cost. These conditions are easily satisfied in contemporary
prosperous societies. There are also a number of other practical reasons, not
directly related to moral obligations to the unfortunate, for various kinds of
governmental involvement. This is a very minimalistic framework: there could be
a great deal of variation of opinion about optimal policy even among people who
buy into it. Since