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HEAD OF THE CEA When I was a undergrad I served a term As R.A. of an economist. I did regressions and some theory, And I read his old copies of the JPE. I read the old copies so carefullee That now I am the head of the CEA! CHORUS. He read, etc. HEAD OF THE CEA: As RA I learned so many economic tools, They advised me to apply to graduate school. I solved the models with a smile so bland, And took careful notes when they waved their hands. --I took my notes so carefullee, That now I am the head of the CEA! CHORUS. -- He took, etc. HEAD OF THE CEA: In taking notes I made such a name That my dissertation I soon began; I made me a model and I tried some tests, And my committee said that my model was the best. My commitee then gave me my Ph.D., So now I am the head of the CEA! CHORUS. -- His commitee, etc. HEAD OF THE CEA: In economic theory I made such a stir That they swiftly declared that I'd earned tenure. And my pretty theories, it seems, Was the only economy that I ever had seen. But that economy so suited me, That now I am the head of the CEA! CHORUS. -- But that economy, etc. HEAD OF THE CEA: I gained such fame that I was sent To give my opinions to the President. I always told Bill what he wanted to hear, And chatted with him while we drank some beer. I drank so much, they rewarded me By making me the head of the CEA! CHORUS. -- He drank so much, etc. HEAD OF THE CEA: Now economists all, whoever you may be, If you want a government agency, If your soul isn't fettered to high theory, Be careful to act just like me -- Suck up to Bill and drink freely, And you all may be head of the CEA! CHORUS. -- Suck up, etc.