Journal of Labor Research
Special Offer for NEW Subscribers
The Journal of Labor Research, now in its twentieth year, is a quarterly publication of the John M. Olin Institute for Employment Policy and Practice devoted to workplace issues and employment relationships. In addition to articles on a specific topic written by academics or practitioners, special symposia are also published so that an emerging policy issue or trend in the workplace can be explored in depth from various perspectives. Symposia in prior volumes include:
"Nonunion Employee Representation"
(Winter 1999, vol. 20, no 1)
"Union Money, Political Action, and Government Regulation"
(Summer 1999, vol. 20, no. 3)
"The Transition from Welfare to Work: Problems and Policies"
(Spring 1998, vol. 19, no.3)
"Government-Mandated Project Labor Agreements"
(Fall 1996, vol.17, no.3)
"Corporate Campaigns"
(Summer 1996, vol. 17, no.4)
"Flexible employment and Alternate Work Arrangements"
(Fall 1996, vol. 17, no.4)
"The Dunlop Commission Report on the Future of Worker Management
(Winter 1996, vol. 17, no. 1)
"Salting and Other Union Tactics in the Construction Industry"
(Winter 1997, vol. 18, no. 1)
In conjunction with the book offers in this catalog, there is a special subscription price of $75.00 for Volume 20 (1999) for new subscribers the regular rate is $120.00. Individual symposium issues are available for $25.00 each. Academicians may subscribe for $35.00 per year.