Book Review Excerpts Praising Curb Rights Journal of Economic Literature (June 1998):
This stimulating book develops an intriguing policy proposal for developing a market-based
system of urban transit. Its thesis -- that the establishment of exclusive and
transferable property rights to bus stops will greatly facilitate a competitive market in
urban transit services -- is a major contribution to the public policy literature on this
topic. Written for a broad audience of economists, urban planners, policy analysts, and
politicians, the book excels at explaining complex economic ideas in simple direct
language. . . .
The authors persuasively argue that urban transit markets can only function efficiently
when they are supported by a specialized institutional framework designed to facilitate
this particular market. The key insight from their analysis is that deregulation and
privatization will frequently not yield satisfactory results in markets that lack the
necessary conditions for the competitive process to work. . . .
[T]his accessible book is a superb contribution to the policy literature on urban
transit. Its creative proposals deserve serious discussion and, once refined, could
provide the basis for a revolution in the provision of urban transit services. -- Sumner
J. La Croix, University of Hawaii
Economic Journal (September 1998): The provocative and groundbreaking
work of Klein, Moore, and Reja (KMR) provides a pithy outline and critical examination of
the economic organisation of urban public transport. Indeed KMR presents an extremely
sober and informed diagnosis of the 'fizzling' of urban street-based public transport
systems, which is so woefully apparent in the United States. It then proceeds to offer a
highly original solution to enhance transit ridership, principally formed around a fairly
pragmatic fusion of Coasian logic, Austrian School economics, and Public Choice economics,
to guide market development in street-based public transport. It seems inevitable that the
work of KMR will stimulate and drive new research agendas in transport policy development
. . . [This is a brave, polemical, original work . . .
-- Alan Collins, University of Portsmouth
Southern Economic Journal (1997): [KMR] add a new and original twist to
the argument, namely transit deregulation and privatization cannot be expected to succeed
unless property rights at curbside (hence the book's title) are firmly established. . . .
KMR get the credit for posing research questions not usually considered in the urban
transportation field.
-- Peter Gordon, University of Southern California
American Planning Association Journal (Spring 1998): Curb Rights
is a sophisticated and challenging analysis . . . written in a straightforward and very
accessible way. . . . Curb Rights is an important contribution to a growing
literature on the kinds of transit markets that could be self-sustaining . . . Curb
Rights is sleek and efficient and commanding . . .
-- Sandra Rosenbloom, University of Arizona
Transportation Research (1998): The case for curb rights is made
elegantly and, to this reviewer, convincingly. -- Gabriel Roth, World Bank
Regulation (Summer 1997): Curb Rights may be the most important
book on mass transit written in this decade. . . . Curb Rights is both clear and
persuasive. -- Michael C. Munger, Duke Univ.
Proceedings of the Chartered Institute of Transport (1997): This is a
fascinating and thought-provoking book, which provides the sort of fresh thinking that the
transport industry needs if it is to come to terms with the challenges which lie ahead. I
commend it to all who have an interest in the future of the bus industry worldwide. --
Chris Cheek, MCIT
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