J. M. Kaplan Workshop in Politics, Philosophy and Economics
The Kaplan Workshop meets every Friday, unless otherwise noted, from 2:00 to 3:30 in Rm. 318 Enterprise Hall. Papers are distributed a week in advance and participants are expected to read the papers in advance.
presenter |
title |
August 31 |
Tyler Cowen Economics George Mason University
Austrian Economics and the Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry |
September 7 |
Barry Smith Philosophy SUNY- Buffalo
September 14 |
September 21 |
George Selgin Economics University of Georgia |
Problem: The Private Sector's Solution to Britain's Small Change Shortage,
1787-1797 |
September 28 |
Russell Hardin Politics New York University |
October 5 |
Deirdre McCloskey Economics, History and
English University of Illinois, Chicago Circle |
Bourgeois Virtue |
October 12 |
October 19 |
Sam Bostaph Economics University of Dallas
October 26 |
Stuart Warner Philosophy Roosevelt University |
in Nature: An Essay on Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments |
November 2 |
Samuel Hollander Economics Ben-Gurion University of
the Negev |
Economic Organization,
Distribution and the Equality Issue: The Marx-Engles Perspective |
November 8* (Thursday) |
Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard Politics Columbia University |
November 13*(Tuesday) |
Simone A. Wegge Economics City University of New York |
Do migrant origins matter?
Migrants vs. Stayers in Mid-19th Century Germany |
November 30 |
Roderick Long Philosophy Auburn University |
Austrian Economics and the Logic of Action: Praxeological Investigations |
December 7 |
Mario Rizzo Economics New York University
The Slippery Slope and the
Movement Away from Liberty |