J M Kaplan Workshop in Political Economy
-Fall 1999-

Papers will be available 1 week prior to the workshop outside of Professor Boettke's office, 324 Enterprise Hall. The workshop will meet on Fridays from 2:00 to 3:30 in the Economics Department Seminar Room,  318 Enterprise Hall.
September 10 E. Roy Weintraub  
Department of Economics 
Duke University
"Burn the Mathematics (Tripos): Economists and Mathematicians Circa 1900."
September 17 NO SEMINAR ISNIE Meetings in Washington, DC. Check www.isnie.org for conference schedule -- speakers include Ronald Coase, Douglass North, Oliver Williamson, and others.
September 24 Esther-Mirjam Sent 
Department of Economics 
University of Notre Dame
"The Great Expectations of John Muth."
October 1 D. Bruce Johnsen 
School of Law 
George Mason University
"Property Rights, Salmon Husbandry, and Institutional Change Among Northwest Coast Tribes."
October 8 Bruce Caldwell 
Department of Economics 
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
"The Emergence of Hayek's Ideas on Cultural Evolution."
October 15 NO SEMINAR
October 22 David Harper 
Department of Economics 
New York University
"Property Rights, Entrepreneurship and Coordination."
October 29 Michael Wohlgemuth 
Institutional Economics Unit 
Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems
"Democracy as a Discovery Procedure."
November 5 Anthony Carilli and Greg Dempster 
Department of Economics 
Hampden Sydney College
"A Multiplier Based Theory of the Austrian Trade Cycle." 
November 12 Lawrence H. White 
Department of Economics 
University of Georgia
"Credible Currency."
November 19 Andrei Shleifer 
Department of Economics 
Harvard University
"Coase vs. the Coaseans."
December 3 Willem Thorbecke 
Department of Economics 
George Mason University
"Parchment, Guns, and Liberty: Constitutional Insights in Churchill's History of the English Speaking Peoples."
December 10 

NOTE SPECIAL TIME 3:00 -- 4:30pm

David Levy 
Department of Economics 
George Mason University
"Hard Times and the Moral Equivalence of Markets and Slavery."