The workshop will meet in Enterprise #318 on Fridays from 2:00 to
3:30 and will be followed by a reception. Papers for the workshop will
be available at Professor Boettke's office Enterprise #324 a week ahead
of the scheduled talk. Participants are expected to read the paper in advance.
January 29 | Robert Nelson, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland | "Economics as Religion: The Theology of Samuelson's Economics, the Chicago School, and Other Religious Elements in Modern Economics." |
February 5 | NO WORKSHOP
February 12 | Robert Axtell, Center for Economic and Social Dynamics, Brookings Institution | "The Emergence of Firms in a Population of Agents." |
February 19 | NO WORKSHOP | |
February 25*
Note special day -- Thursday -- and time 3:00pm-4:30pm |
Israel Kirzner, Department of Economics, New York University | "Hedgehog or Fox: Hayek and the Idea of Plan-coordination." |
March 5 | Ross Emmett, Department of Economics, Augustana University
"Frank Knight, Max Weber, Chicago Economics and Institutionalism." |
March 12 | Steven Horwitz, Department of Economics, St. Lawrence University | "'Of Human Action but not Human Design'":
Liberalism in the Tradition of the Scottish Enlightenment." |
March 26 | Charles Rowley, Department of Economics, George Mason University | "Political Culture and Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa." |
April 2 | J. Barkley Rosser, Department of Economics, James Madison University | "On the Complexities of Complex Economic Dynamics." |
April 9 | Duncan Foley, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research | "Hyman Minsky and the Methodological Dilemmas of Modern Economics." |
April 16 | Steven Kan, Visiting Scholar, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University | "Separation of War Powers: A Corporate Governance Perspective." |
April 23 | Steve Knack, School of Public Policy, American University | "Women and Corruption." |
April 30 | Peter Klein, Department of Economics, University of Georgia | "Is Entrepreneurial Error Predictable? Evidence from Corporate Divestitures" |
May 7 | Jeffrey Friedman, Department of Social Sciences, Harvard University | "Is Freedom Intrinsically Valuable?" |