Workshop in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Spring 2008

Thursdays 1:00-2:30pm unless otherwise noted in 318 Enterprise Hall

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Tuesday, January 29

E. Glen Weyl

Princeton University

Whose rights?: A critique of individual agency as the basis of rights
February 7

Dan Klein

George Mason University

Coordination in the history of economics
February 14

Jared Rubin

California State University at Fullerton

Printing and interest restrictions in Islam and Christianity
February 21

Bruce Caldwell

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Studies on the abuse and decline of reason
February 28

John Murray

University of Toledo

Identifying, separating and managing asymmetric information
March 6

Jon Klick

Columbia University

The regulation of contracts: The case for franchising
March 20

Pierre Garrouste

University of Paris I

The emergence and evolution of institutions: the complementary approaches of Carl Menger and Thorstein Veblen

March 27

Agnes Festre

University of Nice

Menger and Wieser and the dynamics of the emergence of money

April 3


Robert Nelson

Public Policy
University of Maryland

Scholasticism vs. pietism: The battle for the soul of economics
April 10

Russ Roberts

George Mason University

A graphical approach to teaching Hayek on knowledge *

*There is no paper for this presentation

Note: This session will be particularly useful for teachers of Intermediate Microeconomics and Principles of Economics. This will be a working session on how to integrate Hayekian ideas into Intermediate Micro and Principles of Econ courses.

April 17

Robin Douhan

Uppsala University and Research Institute of Industrial Economics

The political economy of entrepreneurship
April 24

Karen Clay

Carnegie Mellon University

The effect of uncertain property rights on agricultural production
May 1

Samuel Fleischaker

University of Illinois at Chicago


Dan Klein

George Mason University

What Would Adam Smith Think of the Modern Welfare State?*


*Contact Peter Lipsey for copies of the readings for this session

May 8

Dan Houser

George Mason University

Human altruism explains participation in democratic elections