Workshop in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Spring 2009

Thursdays 1:00-2:30pm unless otherwise noted in 318 Enterprise Hall

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January 22



Christopher Kingston

Economics Department
Amherst College



Marine Insurance in Philadelphia during the Quasi-War with France, 1795-1801


January 29



Alexandre Padilla

Economics Department,
Metropolitan State College of Denver



Self-Regulation in the Adult Film Industry: Why are HIV Outbreaks the Exception and Not the Norm?


February 5



Derek Boyd

Philosophy Department,
George Mason University



Rational Choice Theory, Commitment, and Toward a Rational Basis for Quitting Smoking



February 19



Jack High

School of Public Policy,
George Mason University



Entrepreneurship and the Institutions of Growth


March 19


Richard Adelstein

Economics Department,
Wesleyan University



Firms as Social Actors


March 26



Richard Ebeling

Senior Fellow ,
American Institute for Economic Research



Austria-Hungary's Economic Policies in the Twilight of the 'Liberal' Era: Ludwig von Mises's Writings on Monetary and Fiscal Policy before the First World War



April 2


Paul Lewis

Economics Deparment,
Kings College London



The Role of External Inspection in the Public Services: The of the UK Training Market


April 23


Loren Lomasky

Philosophy Department,
University of Virginia



Contract, Covenant, Constitution


Tuesday, April 28


Charles Rowley

Economics Department,
George Mason University



Put not your trust in trust relationships