Workshop in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Spring 2009
Thursdays 1:00-2:30pm unless otherwise noted in 318 Enterprise Hall
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January 22 12:00-1:30pm |
Christopher Kingston
Marine Insurance in Philadelphia during the Quasi-War with France, 1795-1801 |
January 29 12:00-1:30pm |
Alexandre Padilla
Self-Regulation in the Adult Film Industry: Why are HIV Outbreaks the Exception and Not the Norm? |
February 5 12:00-1:30pm |
Derek Boyd
Rational Choice Theory, Commitment, and Toward a Rational Basis for Quitting Smoking
February 19 12:00-1:30pm |
Jack High
March 19 |
Richard Adelstein
March 26
Richard Ebeling Senior Fellow ,
April 2 |
Paul Lewis
The Role of External Inspection in the Public Services: The of the UK Training Market |
April 23 |
Loren Lomasky
Tuesday, April 28 |
Charles Rowley