Economics 410: Public Choice
Class Lecture Outlines
Week 1: Public Goods, Externalities, and Comparative Institutions
Week 2: The Logic of Collective Action
Week 3: The Median Voter Model
Week 4: Rational Ignorance and the "Miracle of Aggregation"
Week 5: Efficiency and Bargaining
Week 6: Basics of Public Opinion and Voter Motivation
Weeks 7: Empirical Accuracy of the Median Voter Model
Week 8: Division of Powers, Special Interests, and Rent-Seeking
Week 9: Political Competition and Political Collusion
Weeks 10-11: Wittman's Myth of Democratic Failure
Week 12: Expressive Voting
Week 13: Systematic Bias Versus the Miracle of Aggregation
Weeks 14-15: Democracy, Dictatorship, and Markets
Answer Keys
HW#1 Answer Key
HW#2 Answer Key
HW#3 Answer Key
HW#4 Answer Key
HW#5 Answer Key
Midterm Answer Key (2001)
Final Exam (2001)