ECON 812: Microeconomics II (Graduate)
Lecture Outlines
- Week 1: Efficiency and Probability
- Week 2: General Equilibrium
- Weeks 3-4: Intro to Game Theory
- Week 5: Repeated Games, Competition, and Cooperation, I
- Week 6: Repeated Games, Competition, and Cooperation, II
- Week 7: Midterm
- Week 8: Symmetric Information
- Week 9: Asymmetric Information
- Week 10: Behavioral Economics and Irrationality, I
- Week 11: Behavioral Economics and Irrationality, II
- Week 12: Labor Economics
- Week 13: Finance and Portfolio Theory
- Week 14: Economics of Politics
- HW #1
- HW #2
- HW #3
- HW #4
- HW #5 (will not be graded)
- HW #6
- HW #7
- HW #8
- HW #9
- HW #10 (will not be graded)